Tuesday, 2 February 2021

The Truth about Vaccines full text There is a lot of controversy lately regarding vaccinations and covid 19. All this controversy can be easily allayed with some truthful facts and evidence. In a recent article in the Inishowen Independent Newspaper by a Dr Madden, he states that the Flu is just an inconvenience compared to Covid 19. Classing the Flu which is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people globally each year as an inconvenience is downright insulting to all those who died and suffered from it. It’s shocking that a medical doctor would come out and say such a thing. Down-playing normal Flu fatalities while upgrading the effects of Covid 19 to promote a rushed through vaccine is not the most sensible approach to a very sensitive subject. People should be alerted to the dangers of any medication and given all the facts. The recovery rate from Covid is quiet high and the most vulnerable in society, the elderly and those with underlying conditions are the ones most at risk and who need the most protection. Vaccine Safety For a medical doctor to use the carrot on the stick approach to promote the uptake of a vaccine that could turn out to have nasty adverse effects is in my opinion a very irresponsible approach to health and safety. Dr. Madden in his article said that that if people do not take the vaccine then they won’t get back to the pub, cinema or be able to fly again. This is just pure fear-mongering in order to promote compliance. Then he turns around and reverses all that by saying near the end of the article that he isn’t sure that the virus will go away once the vaccine hits. I also noticed Dr Madden did not include any scientific research citing that vaccines are safe. Promoting a vaccine in this way as a silver bullet for any virus is really just a shot in the dark, If it were true that a vaccine will wipe out covid or any virus then how come the flu is still around despite the flu jab being in operation now for many years?. There have been many problems with the seasonal flu vaccine, people seriously need to research this subject and not take for granted what health authorities and Governments dictate as best practice, check out this link- https://www.bewellbuzz.com/wellness-buzz/flu-shots-danger/ The facts speak for themselves the flu kills, covid 19 kills, all viruses can kill, roads kill, wars kill, life is full of risks and yes we need to minimise all risk as much as possible but also at the same time respecting people’s right to make their own choices regarding their health. Vaccines are not classified as a medicine and do not undergo the same stringent clinical trials as drugs do. It’s alarming that the covid 19 vaccine is being rushed through at such a pace, there is a big demand and much money to be made, safety protocol’s like vital animal testing is being ignored and this new rushed vaccine can encode DNA RNA proteins which are the structure of living human cells, we only have their word for it that this won’t genetically modify human cells, history tells us they can’t be trusted. There are no long term studies. NEWS JUST OUT- on December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42). These two doctors main concerns are that “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. Also very concerning is that the covid 19 vaccine could produce anti bodies against spike proteins which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans, this could lead to infertility of indefinite duration in vaccinated women. https://healthandmoneynews.wordpress.com/2020/12/02/head-of-pfizer-research-covid-vaccine-is-female-sterilization/?fbclid=IwAR065A4IeyDriqn--PpsFkeBwz-_z5jZeoo6s94bHyc9ST_jz_bBRTBVDus This video needs to be seen and shared- https://youtu.be/IfnJi7yLKgE Most people who are opposed to vaccinations want to be reassured that they are safe. The fact is vaccines are not safe and a lot is not known about this new DNA RNA method of vaccination. In the USA the vaccine industry said for years that vaccine injury only occurred in 1 in a million people. The Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ) a Federal agency found in 2009 that the actual rate of vaccine injury was actually 1 in 40 people, this is alarming. Candidates for vaccine trials are usually very robust individuals and they must be free from all underlying conditions and diseases. It’s absurd that they test the vaccines on the healthiest of people and then end up giving the vaccine to everyone including the most vulnerable, this is morally wrong. VAERS In Ireland many children got injured by the HPV vaccine, and there are many cases worldwide citing vaccine injuries. Vaccines have been seriously injuring people all across the globe for many years, as far back as June, 2013, 30,352 adverse reactions to HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix have been reported to VAERS, the U.S. vaccine adverse events reporting system. Adverse reactions include 10,557 ER visits, 6,032 who failed to recover, 952 disabled, 64 cases of cervical cancer and 140 deaths. Consider this the tip of the iceberg as only 1 to 10% of vaccine reactions and injuries are reported to the U.S. government data base. Yes you heard that right 952 people disabled from a vaccine. Do people ask for the vaccine insert ingredients when they go to get vaccinated? And then do they look them up to see the effects? We have to start researching, see the many links below included in this article. Here is a quote from Doctor Lawrence Palevsky MD about an ingredient in most vaccines called polysorbate-80. “One can question why polysorbate-80 is in the vaccines if it serves to potentially transport vaccine materials across the blood-brain-barrier. After all, what vaccine materials need to enter the brain? The obvious answer is, none” The question has to be, seeing as vaccines are the only medicine given to healthy people then surely if someone sacrifices their health by taking a vaccine for the greater good of the population then that vaccine must/needs! to be 100% safe? I would recommend that people do their own research and check out the risks involved in any vaccination before making an informed choice. There is much data on the dangers of vaccinations and many Doctors are at last speaking out. Check out the movie Vaxxed and learn about the CDC cover up of MMR link to autism- https://youtu.be/nGxrjDOcZh0 Check out this vast collection of studies on the dangers of vaccinations you will be alarmed at what you took for granted as a safe medical procedure https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1y4Ysa7OPnqMIj-NuNVYJnlHGsvbsyqFam8NaQDSSl8o/mobilebasic?fbclid=IwAR0WBCqbCO4SJNqWQTiXU3bIyKkqzb6gnP8ZbU8PdMt4lrqNP80lR6xsYww Join Vaccine and Health Awareness on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Vaccine-and-Health-Awareness-288357885017

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