Thursday 16 June 2011

Sadists depend on masochists.

The X-factor / American Idol type contestant and judge scenarios are used to perform mind control conditioning on the audience. There is an epidemic of TV shows with a sadomasochistic undertone. The Apprentice,The Weakest Link, Judge Judy etc.

The judges are the experts. In Cowel's case, expert means a person who has made huge profits from the talents of others; reminiscent of bankers/investors and other parasites. The contest provides a great opportunity to deny individuality, as it usurps the old notion that musical taste is personal and subjective.

The contestants are subjected to the most extreme application of what I call "The Cinderella Scam"; encouraging millions to believe that they are all ugly ducklings waiting to be revealed as swans. More importantly their desperation for "success" and praise from the authority figures is setting a precedent for how the audience should react to public humiliation and segregation by the authorities. It asserts that fame is the ultimate affirmation of a person's worth and we are all in competition for such finite resources. The dogma that losers are necessary to make winners is explicitly championed.

However, the real target for conditioning is the audience. The panel teaches the audience to disregard the evidence of their own senses and attempt to emulate the values and critical criteria of the experts. This reaction is transferable to other panels of experts such as the American Doctors program and any authoritative spokesperson for the government. The use of packaging, the blue scrubs, white coats, venerable gentlemen etc. are triggers for suspension of independent thinking. The voting system is an elaborate hoax to perpetuate our democracy delusion. The audience/electorate is led to invest in the sham, legitimising it by voting, endorsing it with money, subscribing to the rule of the majority and believing in the absolute authority and justice of the system.

But deeper and more sinister are the sadomasochistic dynamics between Cowel and contestants, especially in first auditions. Public abuse and humiliation have the obvious effects of amplifying Cowel's power and the contestants’ perverse hunger for praise from the abuser. But once again the real target is the voyeuristic audience, who will side with the abuser because instinct dictates that this is the best way to avoid becoming targets themselves. I'm sure Joseph Goebbels would approve of this use of the TV!

Placating the sadists in order to attempt to avoid their attention or imitating them in the hope that they will see us as associates, are disastrous strategies.

“I’m not concerned about surveillance. I have done nothing wrong so I have nothing to hide.”

The assumption behind such statements is that those who possess the surveillance grid are benign, just and infallible. A mistake illustrated by the repeated “malfunction” of cameras whenever questionable events take place such as the pentagon on 9/11, London on 7/7, Lady DI’s murder, deaths in police custody etc.

Governments are not benign. Just look at their track records. They are responsible for over 200 million deaths in the last century alone. Influential conspiracies such as the CFR, UN, Club of Rome etc have publicly stated that they intend to murder billions this century. Unless we like pain and want to be hurt, we should never provide government with the power and resources to build reflexively obedient militaries, with explicitly conscience-free personnel. Transferring our responsibility for our own protection, to our governments, is as idiotic as employing convicted paedophiles to baby-sit our kids. It only makes sense to a masochist.

By playing the role of victims we substantiate the part of the Sadist. When we choose to elevate them; sadists naturally make cruel gods.


  1. Really good piece, HSE Social Service staff, spring to mind. We must stand up against this, in our locality and back-yard, before critisizing ,other countries failings.
