A Blog dedicated to effect and promote personal sovereignty and positive change in all areas of life and to spearhead the spread of suppressed information into the public domain.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Militarization of European Police Forces....
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Official Offer from TNS Radio
(Signed By:Person)
Rear of paper .... written at an angle across the page OFFICIAL OFFER
Attach Cheque made payable to (BANK)
If you get no response then the offer has been accepted ... so the cheques keep going in to effect performance on the contract.
If a response comes ... Look at it very carefully ! ! ! ... This is where they may try to shift the attention away from the offer .... in an attempt to get their offer in place ... If responded to carefully this cannot happen ...
Go check the 7 elements of contract .. pay particular attention to acceptance ....
Kind Regards
Please discuss any questions post them here .... the podcast for this is here OFFICIAL OFFER Podcast
Friday, 29 July 2011
The banking crisis is a giant hoax.
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take that power away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." -- Sir Josiah Stamp--President of the Bank of England
We allow banks to counterfeit our currency in several ways. Investing central banks with the power to print money, permitting fractional reserve lending, allowing usury through debt inflating interest charges, as well as derivatives and other “exotic financial instruments”.
Given these extraordinary powers it is absolutely impossible that the banking system as a whole could ever become short of money. The illusion of a global financial crisis is entirely bankster-orchestrated theatre. By giving this delusion credence we participate in its manifestation.
It has always been clear to the banking elite that since unlimited money can be created from nothing, it is therefore, absolutely worthless. Only the illusion of worth that working people ascribe to money by unanimous convention, furnish it with any power or real value. The bankers have always manipulated money in order to convert what they know is worthless into real property, goods, power and influence.
Banking is a blatant racket. The banksters openly engage in financial terrorism and economic sabotage, in order to plunder resources and enslave nations. International finance is a giant mafia style protection racket. We need only to replace their money with our own debt free currency and their diabolical tyranny will end.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Flouride in the Buncrana water supply.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Do you have to Pay Commercial Rates? or any Rates on your business or self?
Did You Know?
If You Own or Run a Business,
You do NOT Have to Pay Rates!!!
Just to let you ALL know …
WE here at the Common LAW Society have been studying and
researching a little known and even less widely practiced LAW;
called Contract LAW, or the LAW of Contract.
Town/County Council Extortion.
In summary it means, that if you do not have a Lawfully Binding
Contract with another party, such as a County Council, then they
CANNOT Lawfully Invoice you. Which means in turn, they cannot
Lawfully or Legally issue Bills, Notices or Demands for payment … FACT!
Unlawful Demands!
They are acting Unlawfully and Illegally if they do so!!! The only
way to deal with the County Council if they are issuing Unlawful
Bills, Notices or Demands for payment is to write directly to the
head Man or Woman in their Rates department & request that
they “Document and Verify the Obligation”.
Document and Verify the Obligation.
When you write, make sure that you enclose the Original Bill,
Notice or Demand. Do not keep their paperwork! Register the
letter & give them ten days to respond directly to the request.
You Will Request That They …
“Document and Verify the Obligation” by providing all of the following.
• The Original Contract (If one exists).
• A Set of Their Accounts (For Forensic Examination).
• A Valid and Lawfully Signed Invoice.
You Will Give Them 10 Days to do so, by Registered Post …
Otherwise You Will Consider The Matter Closed and Settled.
They Cannot and Will Not!
They will NEVER provide any of the three, to validate or substantiate
any Lawful obligation that you have to pay. They cannot and will not.
Don’t Mess About!
But they will commence their playground-bully-boy tactics, as you may
already be familiar with. If they call to your business or home – call the
Garda immediately; Report them for Trespass & a Breach of the Peace.
By reporting them for Trespass & a Breach of the Peace, you are taking
the matter from Civil to Criminal. Remember, it is they that crossed the
line, not you. Watch their jaws drop and leave with their tails between
their legs. The Garda will arrest them once you are clear about this …
Privity of Contract.
They will probably write or call you on the phone, and threaten to take
legal action or proceedings. Don’t fret about this either, all Solicitors are
what we call in “Privity of Contract” … THIRD PARTY INTERLOPERS.
Not part or party to any contract that “might” be in place, so they cannot
assume any rights or liabilities to that “assumed” contract. They can have
a Contract with the County Council, but you do not have to recognise them.
Solicitors = Legal Prostitutes!
Solicitors are what we call here at the Common LAW Society – Legal Prostitutes!
Meaning; if you pay them well enough, they will do any trick in the book & more.
Well the name is in the title … Solicit. That makes Barristers & Judges their pimps.
ReButt Them We Say!
They can be very easily reButted and dismissed, with a pretty standard
letter of reButtal, which we help you draft up in 20 minutes at no cost …
We do this just for the sheer hell of keeping businesses in Ireland alive.
Just a Little History.
Rates in Ireland are based upon a pretty archaic and arcane act. It is/was called
“the Poor Law (Crown) Act 1838”. Yes it was a Crown Act! In other words it was
brought in by the Crown in 1838. The idea being that, it was designed & put in
place to help the “poor and indigent” of Ireland of the day. They would tax the
businesses of the day and draw revenue from them.
Poor Houses Replaced by County Councils!
It facilitated a widespread establishment of “legal poor houses” all over Ireland.
Every Poor House in Ireland had a board of directors appointed to them, much
like the County Councils of modern Ireland (if you could call it that). As then, as
is today, the board of directors and or management got paid massive salaries &
many perks and bonuses. While the business community got fleeced, most of
which were forced to cease producing, trading and employing people.
Remember: The 1845 to 1851 Holocaust!
The poor in turn increased, because more people had no business, and or no job.
Thus in turn, the poor got less and less, and either starved to death, or scraped by
enough to emigrate to another country.
Is this History going to Repeat Itself?
This will be up to You. Stop Paying Rates! or any charges
Call Des to Discuss.
If you wish to discuss the Legal, Lawful & Non-Violent method and
way of not paying rates, you can call me - Des Carty on 085 173 5737.
Pass on the Good News …
Please pass this email on to all the business people that you know.
It may save their business, their life, their family & their community.
Thank you – Des
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Sadists depend on masochists.
The X-factor / American Idol type contestant and judge scenarios are used to perform mind control conditioning on the audience. There is an epidemic of TV shows with a sadomasochistic undertone. The Apprentice,The Weakest Link, Judge Judy etc.
The judges are the experts. In Cowel's case, expert means a person who has made huge profits from the talents of others; reminiscent of bankers/investors and other parasites. The contest provides a great opportunity to deny individuality, as it usurps the old notion that musical taste is personal and subjective.
The contestants are subjected to the most extreme application of what I call "The Cinderella Scam"; encouraging millions to believe that they are all ugly ducklings waiting to be revealed as swans. More importantly their desperation for "success" and praise from the authority figures is setting a precedent for how the audience should react to public humiliation and segregation by the authorities. It asserts that fame is the ultimate affirmation of a person's worth and we are all in competition for such finite resources. The dogma that losers are necessary to make winners is explicitly championed.
However, the real target for conditioning is the audience. The panel teaches the audience to disregard the evidence of their own senses and attempt to emulate the values and critical criteria of the experts. This reaction is transferable to other panels of experts such as the American Doctors program and any authoritative spokesperson for the government. The use of packaging, the blue scrubs, white coats, venerable gentlemen etc. are triggers for suspension of independent thinking. The voting system is an elaborate hoax to perpetuate our democracy delusion. The audience/electorate is led to invest in the sham, legitimising it by voting, endorsing it with money, subscribing to the rule of the majority and believing in the absolute authority and justice of the system.
But deeper and more sinister are the sadomasochistic dynamics between Cowel and contestants, especially in first auditions. Public abuse and humiliation have the obvious effects of amplifying Cowel's power and the contestants’ perverse hunger for praise from the abuser. But once again the real target is the voyeuristic audience, who will side with the abuser because instinct dictates that this is the best way to avoid becoming targets themselves. I'm sure Joseph Goebbels would approve of this use of the TV!
Placating the sadists in order to attempt to avoid their attention or imitating them in the hope that they will see us as associates, are disastrous strategies.
“I’m not concerned about surveillance. I have done nothing wrong so I have nothing to hide.”
The assumption behind such statements is that those who possess the surveillance grid are benign, just and infallible. A mistake illustrated by the repeated “malfunction” of cameras whenever questionable events take place such as the pentagon on 9/11, London on 7/7, Lady DI’s murder, deaths in police custody etc.
Governments are not benign. Just look at their track records. They are responsible for over 200 million deaths in the last century alone. Influential conspiracies such as the CFR, UN, Club of Rome etc have publicly stated that they intend to murder billions this century. Unless we like pain and want to be hurt, we should never provide government with the power and resources to build reflexively obedient militaries, with explicitly conscience-free personnel. Transferring our responsibility for our own protection, to our governments, is as idiotic as employing convicted paedophiles to baby-sit our kids. It only makes sense to a masochist.
By playing the role of victims we substantiate the part of the Sadist. When we choose to elevate them; sadists naturally make cruel gods.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
My Draft Template Flyer
In summary it means, that if you do not have a Lawfully Binding
Contract with another party, such as a Town or County Council, then they
CANNOT Lawfully Invoice you. Which means in turn, they cannot
Lawfully or Legally issue Bills, Notices or Demands for payment … FACT!
“the Poor Law (Crown) Act 1838”. Yes it was a Crown Act!
• A Set of Their Accounts (to prove the alleged debt exists).
• A Valid and Lawfully Signed Invoice.
Please pass this flyer and email on to all the business people that you know.
It may save their business, their life, their family & their community.
Get your Flyers ready for this Friday 17th
good luck with the information sharing and hope to see you all on the 27th.
Please refrain from putting messages directly on bank notes, we must remain honourable at all times and never cause harm or loss (damage) to any property, round stickers on coins seems to be the better option. Stay Safe.