Monday, 11 March 2013

Return to Sender Label Explanation

I do not recognise you..........your office is a corporate fictional dead entity and as you are an officer (representative) of a dead fiction. Any title you work under makes you an object, a thing and not a real flesh and blood man/woman/being, you claim  titles like  Garda, TV Licence Inspector, Constable, Traffic Warden, Chief Exective Officer etc etc. So I cannot as a Sovereign flesh and blood  being interact/talk/see/hear or recognise anything that is not  real, if I did it would be tantamount to fraud and dishonesty, because I would be making a false claim that I see something that clearly does not exist. I also do not recognise any fictional legal title/name that was bestowed on me at birth without my consent. Therefore I do not have to answer to any name/title or otherwise that can only exist on paper. I’am Sovereign on the land of Eire , Me, Myself, and I. I cannot and do not recognise you.

I do not understand your assume that I ‘am  a corporate fictional entity like yourself, through this illusion you further assume that you may have some sort of binding contract with the legal fictional/entity/name that you assume I hold claim/title to. I do not understand your intent because how can you ever intend to have a contract with a Sovereign flesh and blood being who is without title, is not legally bound and answers to no one.  I stand in Sovereign Eire and in Gods Kingdom only, governed by the natural law’s of mother earth. Our Sovereign standing is clearly defined in the first line of the preamble of the Irish constitution..... “In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority
Your intent is deluded and relies on “we the people” standing in or under your alleged presumed authority. I do not and cannot understand your intent.
I do not have an international treaty with you..........because I am a living/breathing sovereign human being, and not a legal corporate fictional entity (a name), I am known in your legal fictional world as a Foreign Jurisdiction and not a Legal Jurisdiction. I am foreign to your CORPorate fictional world.
Legal (corporate) fictional Jurisdictions can only have contracts/treaties with other Legal (corporate) fictional Jurisdiction’s (corporation to corporation) (name to name) therefore an International Treaty is required to contract between the CORPoration and the LIVING man. I do not have an International treaty with you is saying simply that we do not have a contract unless I am asleep and believe a lifetime of brainwashing through the (sch )-fool system and the media that I am the fictional entity (the name) that usually answers to  the  title Mr. or Mrs. or otherwise. These names or titles are the Legal Entity Identity forced upon my being at birth by third parties without my consent or knowledge. If I did answer to the fictional titles/names forced upon my being, could any assumed treaty or contract be documented and verified by any corporation making such a claim?  I am sovereign and as''every man is a nation unto himself'' an International treaty is required between nations in order to have a binding contract.
No assured value. ………means any demands for your money has no real value because you were not supplied with nor did you order any goods, or services. If you were supplied with assured valuable goods or services (that you requested) then naturally you would have also been supplied with a valid invoice. In this case you would honour the contract and pay the bill. So when you get a demand for rates, income tax, property tax, household tax, TV licence tax etc, just simply ask yourself: - what did you get supplied with? ……. It shouldn’t take you very long to work out the answer. NOTHING nothing of any value…. You didn’t order anything and nothing was ever given or received except a demand or a notice. So if there wasn’t anything supplied or requested or ordered by me then why would I pay? This is the reason why you never get a true valid invoice from these people. A demand for your money by a corporation with the threat of court if you don’t pay up, is no different to a demand by a gangster for your money with a threat of violence if you do not comply. There is no assured value. So there can’t be a debt owed.
No liability…means if there is no assured value then there cant be a liability or an obligation to pay. There cant be a liability simply because there is no evidence of harm, loss or injury caused to another human being and there is/was nothing of any substance or value ever exchanged. By returning a letter (contract) with “no liability” on it you are not accepting any claims of liability from any corporation that deems such a liability to exist.  In contrast to this if a valid true bill/invoice is issued and a contract willingly entered into by consent and a being accepted the terms and conditions and received the services and/or goods, and then decided not to pay thereby causing another being some loss, then there is a liability simply because something of value changed hands and a contract was dishonoured resulting in loss.
There is only the illusion of a perceived value existing on paper in their fictional world. and by reading them you become  SPELLBOUND! by their clever manipulation of words and the language.
They need YOU! To give life to this illusion by recognising it as being real. If you recognise it then you give it form and life…. so this then clearly tells you that its YOU! that has the real power, , they always need YOU! to bring their paper fictional demands alive, why? Simply because AND NEVER FORGET… that always…. YOU ARE THE SOVEREIGN!