What went on in last nights Forum4Change meet up
Hi all,
have to say great meet up last night, great turn out as well roughly 25 people......hope you all enjoyed the Irish water meter info leaflet expose presentation and more importantly the SOLUTION!, which is -
very simple although it does take time to free yourself from you answering to your name etc and to understand that all legal/SO CALLED law is all contracts. But more importantly practise standing up and
realise that you do not ....EVER have to enter into any contract, all you have to do is to never EVER! speak on the subject of water meters to any official, council worker
or info. gatherer who may land on your doorstep........ask yourself this are you obliged to answer your door ever? never mind answering to questions. Page 8 of the leaflet clearly states:- "before billing commences Irish Water will contact you to ensure that it has the correct details to bill you accurately" this says it all....they are telling you here that they need YOU!!! to give THEM!!! the info in order for THEM!! to proceed to bill YOU!! Make sure you return all mail to sender and put this sticker on it ....get sticker here- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6uBM6UVHuXpNlFYd2YxblZvVk0/edit?usp=sharing.......also make sure return address is on outside of letter, the P.O do not know by the franking stamp the return address and your letter will end up in Athlone for a good 3 months before it gets back to the sender. Just pop letter into PO box....no need to attach a stamp. Good general info on the process here- http://www.old.tpuc.org/content/my-use-no-conract-return-sender Karl also gave us great insights into the water process and the fluoride issue.
Someone suggested at the meeting that the revenue will just come and take the water charge from your bank account.......this is nonsense...ask yourself this....if you do not pay your telephone bill or electric bill does the revenue come and take it from your bank account???.....of course not.....Thanks to Ben and his brother Dan for adding some sovereignty to the proceeding and making clear what a contract is and making it clear that you must always make a counter offer or your silence will equal consent. Perhaps we might get Ben to present his recent adventures in legal la la land for the next meet up and how he endured being coerced into a contract and how he came out with a very favourable outcome
In the second half the Skype in with Rev Rashers was very informative.....starting off with Rashers giving us the history of his financial situation etc. and giving us information about how the Sheriff writ works and the fact that it was the registrar who came in the guise of the Sheriff and not the revenue Sheriff, we concluded from this that it be a would good idea to do the sheriff writ to both. Rashers then went on to explain what MMS was and how it worked in the body, this was very informative, he went on to explain the successes of MMS against cancer and how it is especially effective in treating testicular and prostate cancers as well as many other diseases. Noel suggested letters or proposal to council by we the people/forum4change to demand that the council remove the flouride from our water, Mari thought this also was a good idea......Noel agreed to draft a letter and it will be forwarded to all to add to or amend.
cheers Kim
have to say great meet up last night, great turn out as well roughly 25 people......hope you all enjoyed the Irish water meter info leaflet expose presentation and more importantly the SOLUTION!, which is -
very simple although it does take time to free yourself from you answering to your name etc and to understand that all legal/SO CALLED law is all contracts. But more importantly practise standing up and
realise that you do not ....EVER have to enter into any contract, all you have to do is to never EVER! speak on the subject of water meters to any official, council worker
or info. gatherer who may land on your doorstep........ask yourself this are you obliged to answer your door ever? never mind answering to questions. Page 8 of the leaflet clearly states:- "before billing commences Irish Water will contact you to ensure that it has the correct details to bill you accurately" this says it all....they are telling you here that they need YOU!!! to give THEM!!! the info in order for THEM!! to proceed to bill YOU!! Make sure you return all mail to sender and put this sticker on it ....get sticker here- https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6uBM6UVHuXpNlFYd2YxblZvVk0/edit?usp=sharing.......also make sure return address is on outside of letter, the P.O do not know by the franking stamp the return address and your letter will end up in Athlone for a good 3 months before it gets back to the sender. Just pop letter into PO box....no need to attach a stamp. Good general info on the process here- http://www.old.tpuc.org/content/my-use-no-conract-return-sender Karl also gave us great insights into the water process and the fluoride issue.
Someone suggested at the meeting that the revenue will just come and take the water charge from your bank account.......this is nonsense...ask yourself this....if you do not pay your telephone bill or electric bill does the revenue come and take it from your bank account???.....of course not.....Thanks to Ben and his brother Dan for adding some sovereignty to the proceeding and making clear what a contract is and making it clear that you must always make a counter offer or your silence will equal consent. Perhaps we might get Ben to present his recent adventures in legal la la land for the next meet up and how he endured being coerced into a contract and how he came out with a very favourable outcome
In the second half the Skype in with Rev Rashers was very informative.....starting off with Rashers giving us the history of his financial situation etc. and giving us information about how the Sheriff writ works and the fact that it was the registrar who came in the guise of the Sheriff and not the revenue Sheriff, we concluded from this that it be a would good idea to do the sheriff writ to both. Rashers then went on to explain what MMS was and how it worked in the body, this was very informative, he went on to explain the successes of MMS against cancer and how it is especially effective in treating testicular and prostate cancers as well as many other diseases. Noel suggested letters or proposal to council by we the people/forum4change to demand that the council remove the flouride from our water, Mari thought this also was a good idea......Noel agreed to draft a letter and it will be forwarded to all to add to or amend.
cheers Kim